This specific post was about how to fix student presentations. It was a very informative blog about how student power point presentations can be very long, wordy, boring, etc. He gave 7 different ways on how to make this project more efficient for the students and the ones viewing the presentations. He made sure that his students had certain requirements such as: visuals, time limit, speaking clearly, etc. I commented on the post saying that I am glad he changes the project every year. He will tweak it to make sure the students are benefiting from the project. I also gave him some advice on his project. When the projects are due, his students spend 4 days of presenting/listening to every groups projects. He said this was the longest 4 days and the students were not really into it. I suggested that instead of the 4 days; that it would be a great idea to do presentations by units. This would not only make things more enjoyable, than 4 long days, but it would be easier and more time efficient for students. This would also be a great idea because the students can bring in their own different resource for the unit, not only the teacher.
Fix It: 7 Ways to Fix Homework:
This post was to inform about how to fix homework. Well, he says homework, but what he really means is that he would like to switch to optional home learning. He gives 7 tips on how to fix the traditional boring homework. He writes about after school tutoring and how he thinks this is a good place for students who need extra time and attention for learning something. I think this is a great idea and I think tutoring is a great resource for all students to get a little extra help. Mr. Spencer goes on writing about how teachers need to share their passion of learning with their students. I commented saying that I think this is the best part because since we do make a huge impact on our students lives we can share our passion and they can share our passion or start their own. I think sharing our passions with each other is a great way to get students to start find their passions. It could be reading, writing, drawing, etc. This post was very helpful and informative because sometimes a nontraditional homework assignment can bring out more in our students than a traditional one.
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